Why is it that I cant see any changes after two weeks workout for weight loss

When I work out two to three times a week, I see nothing but the scale going up. The scale is the only thing that matters, right? Well, not exactly. There are a lot of different ways to measure progress and tons of ways to get fit.
When I work out for an hour or two a day, I feel great, but I don't see any changes to the weight loss chart. I've been doing the same workout for two weeks now and nothing has changed. I know it is all about consistency, but I just want to know if people have experienced any significant changes after two weeks of working out for weight loss? I really want to see some results this time, I'm at the end of my rope.
I do work out almost every day and I have been following the diet plan but I have not seen any changes. I am starting to get frustrated. Please help. I need this help.
There are so many diets and workout routines that promise rapid weight loss. But most of them tend to have some pretty harsh side effects. They might make you feel great in the beginning, but they sure don’t make it easy to keep going when you hit a wall. That’s why I was so excited to find this workout program.
This is the question that is bothering most of the gym-goers out there. It is always the same question that is being asked. Most of them join a gym to get a fit body but end up being disappointed because they can't see any results after weeks of hard work. But there comes a point when one needs to give up the hope of seeing results in a short time span.
The reason that I am asking the above question is that I am in the same situation right now. I joined a gym after seeing all the success stories posted online. All the people said that they got amazing results after two weeks of workouts. I have been following the routine that I got from the gym for a few weeks now and I cannot even see the slightest change in the scale.
How much weight I weigh is not the only thing that matters. There are other variables that should be considered.
I have been doing weight training since I was in high school. But I can't seem to get the fat off. I want to lose weight, but the weight just keeps piling on and I don't think I can do more.

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