How long does it take to gain 10kg of healthy weight fast?


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There are many ways to gain weight, but most of them take time and effort. One of the fastest ways to gain weight is to eat a lot of calories. This is known as surplus calories. You can gain weight by eating more than your body needs.

We often compare our bodies to the bodies of our friends and celebrities, but the truth is that each of our bodies is made up of uniquely shaped cells with their own set of genetic instructions. The only way to gain weight is to build your body with pure muscle. The only way to gain muscle is to lift weights. The only way to build muscle is to lift weights.
Most weight loss programs promote quick weight loss. But losing weight quickly can be unhealthy. The human body is designed to regulate weight. When you eat less, the body burns fat to fuel the organs and muscles.
Most of us would like to gain weight as quickly as possible and many people use fad diets and quick-fix weight-gaining methods to achieve this. But while some of these might help you lose weight, if you want to build muscle and increase your fitness, losing weight gradually is the best way to go. Over the long term, losing weight gradually is the most effective way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. That’s because, when you lose weight gradually, you’re more likely to keep it off, and you’ll also build better habits that will help you keep the weight off in the future.
There are many myths and misconceptions around weight gain. Most people believe that the amount of weight they weigh is primarily determined by their genes and that they can’t change that. The truth is that while genetics play a part, the balance of calories consumed vs. calories expended is the primary driver of weight. So, if you want to gain weight, the first step is to increase your calorie intake.

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