How Naturna Is Pioneering New Approaches To Holistic Health

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As the world dives deeper into embracing lifestyles focused on wellness, Naturna is a new brand and practice that is pioneering new approaches to holistic health. I caught up with founder Christina Burns to find out more.

“Growing up I had my share of health challenges. Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I struggled with low immunity, acne, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and a variety of aches and pains. I visited many doctors, none of whom had any idea of what to do with me.

“My foray into natural medicine began when I was 19 and ventured to Asia on a gap year. There I learned a completely new paradigm of health that took what I ate into consideration as well as the use of herbs, meditation, and various healing modalities to address my health challenges. I returned home and began seeing a naturopath and Chinese medicine doctor, and finally, I started to feel better. I spent the next nine years studying Eastern and Naturopathic medicine in Canada and abroad. My education involved extended stays with Buddhist and Daoist monks in China to India and Nepal where I volunteered my skills in underserved regions.”

She continued, “While doing my residency in Chinese Hospitals that integrated eastern and western medicine, I was inspired to form a bridge between conventional and natural treatments to make the best of both worlds accessible to patients. When I moved to New York City, I teamed up with a well-known fertility specialist to help women address hormonal and fertility challenges; and, deepened my connection with what women and couples endure amidst the fertility struggle.”

Naturna is a new brand and practice that is pioneering new approaches to holistic health.


“What really caught my attention was each patient’s willingness to completely transform their lives in order to conceive. They were ready to take on the world, be that overhauling their diet, taking up meditation, or drinking a rather awful tasting herbal concoction. At Naturna, we are firmly rooted in the principle of a physician as a teacher. We guide patients in what to eat, how to exercise, and mindfulness techniques and provide supportive coaching to help them navigate a new way of approaching their daily routine. Depending on the nature of the complaint, we might use acupuncture, herbal medicine, or vitamins to bolster results. It is a comprehensive approach to wellness involving both treatment and education.”

Burns shared what she thought was missing in the space. “Two things mainly: unity and education. Healthcare and wellness are often very fragmented, forcing many patients to see a variety of practitioners to address a single complaint. Most people I talk with are overwhelmed by a long list of appointments and would love to have a single point of contact for a comprehensive, individualized approach. I’ll review lab results with my patients, communicate with their doctor; and, offer education, resources, and a variety of treatment modalities to help them reach their goals.”

She shared her views on how taking a holistic approach improved the entire experience. “The holistic approach views the body and mind as a whole interconnected system. So if we work on the root cause, often everything falls into place. Gut health, for example, is crucial. If we can improve digestion, the skin will clear, pain dissolves, and hormones regulate. The same goes for mental health - calming stress hormones improve sleep, regulate cravings and metabolism, and can boost fertility.”

She also shared some of the success stories you’ve heard from people who’ve gone through the experience. “One of my patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) didn't ovulate or menstruate on her own. I taught her how to balance hormones with food. We then used traditional Chinese herbal formulas in combination with weekly acupuncture to regulate her menstruation so that she could conceive naturally. She went on to have three healthy children. Another patient of mine had Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) and was told by every doctor in NYC that she would never conceive with her own eggs. We used acupuncture, nutrition, and Chinese herbs in combination with an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and she went on to birth to a healthy little girl. Unrelated to fertility, a patient with severe pelvic pain was exploring surgery after every other intervention had failed. I customized a potent herbal prescription and within two weeks her condition improved and she was able to avoid surgical intervention. “



Finally, she shared more about the new product she’s launching to help with emotional wellness. “Since many of my patients lamented taking a fistful of pills, I set out to develop a single formula that would tick as many boxes as possible when it came to their symptoms. My signature herbal product, “Supernatural” was designed to level a person’s stress response, boost energy, and foster emotional balance and clarity. Lovingly referred to as "junk juice" due to the murky nature of the beverage, this herbal blend has become a major part of my arsenal. It's been so successful that it was featured on national television and taken by people around the world.”>>>Click here to check it out

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