Many people who lose weight after recovering from a popular eating disorder struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and confusion. Regretting My Weight Loss: Finding Acceptance and Peace With Myself After Recovering From Anorexia Nervosa by the Eating Disorder Treatment Experts offers you the opportunity to soothe your emotions, gain insight into what you're experiencing, and provide strategies for dealing with these emotions while on your journey to recovery.
A&E blog shares true stories of regret and loss as patients have struggled to understand the changes they're seeing in their bodies after weight loss surgery. The road to losing weight is, unfortunately, fraught with bumps, turns, and unexpected side effects, including those that many do not discuss openly: sadness and depression. However, freely sharing stories of regret on our site have helped some people come to terms with this overwhelming emotion - and find their way back to happiness once again.
The author examines the feelings of disenfranchisement some overweight people are experiencing as they struggle with discrimination and stigma against obesity. Results from a qualitative study suggest that the phenomenon of feeling like a monster is not uncommon for many who fall above an arbitrary "ideal" weight or body size. The study also provides an overview of the impact of being stigmatized for one's body size on health behaviors, level of functioning, and mental health. The ambivalent feelings experienced by many formerly obese people highlight the need for sensitivity to weight-based stigma as part of routine care for this population.
We wish you could see how good you look now and how much younger you look. You are a better person for this courageous effort. Yes, some days will be downers, but your life is much better than it was 2 years ago when you began, and not to have done this would have been foolhardy. Don't let those bad days and occasional moments of feeling like a monster (which are very common) get you down. Climb on that scale again in 6 months, and don't be shocked if you weigh less than you do now--and even more shocked if your BMI is still below 25. Now go enjoy your new healthy YOU.
Being the one in five Canadians who deal with weight-related issues, you can be sure we will not judge you or make you feel like a freak. We will offer you something that is hard to find - understanding and compassion.
I am so glad this happened to me. I feel much better now, at over 10 stone lighter and a size 8. The weight just fell off of me not long after my daughter was born and I am now a Size 8 my old size was 18.
I was terrified and depressed. I felt like everyone could see the fat on me, and I always wondered when people would notice how I had just gained all the weight back, plus more. Even though it's been a year, I am still constantly mortified that someone will see me, or recognize me and judge me for not losing enough weight or not being able to keep it off.
I had gastric sleeve surgery back in 2007, and the result was dangerous. Afterward, I was scared of what I saw in the mirror, how I felt and how others were treating me. My confidence took a huge hit.
It has been two weeks since Olivia (not her real name) has been on a diet. The first thing she notices is her distaste for the high-fat and unpalatable foods she used to eat. At work, she's getting so many compliments for looking slim and stunning that she has developed an unreasonable fear of going out of the house. She didn't realize that one could feel so fat after losing only a few kilos.
The first 100 days of weight loss vary greatly for everyone. Just ask anyone who has reached this milestone!
When your only regret after weight loss surgery is that you hadn't done it know you're in the right place. The Atlas Bariatric Center specializes in weight loss surgery and will get you on the fast track to a healthy life. Read more