World’s Fastest Workout Discovered
By Elite Soviet Union Special Forces Trainer,
Skyrockets The #1 Fat Loss Hormone
21x In 6 Minutes Flat… 12

Dear Reader,
Or maybe tried workouts in the past and couldn’t keep up with long hours in the gym, painful routines, or running on the treadmill?
If that’s you then read every word on this page.
Because this 6-minute routine lost to history after the collapse of the Soviet Union can release a fat melting elixir so powerful helping men get lean and strong in record time…
Even if you’re well into your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, have never lifted weights, or suffer from
These Simple Movements Also
Known As ‘The Perfect Exercise’
Will help in rejuvenating a body from the inside out while revving-up fat burning hormones and aid in rewinding years from the face, chin and neck faster than I imagined possible. By…
- Flooding the body with what I call ‘fountain of youth’ hormones [3]
- Activating lean muscle growth for a sculpted body [4]
- Stoking the inner fat-burning furnace for around the clock fat blasting[5]
- Reviving powerful inflammation fighters that reduce aches and pains [6]
- Boosting antioxidants that reverse aging[7]
- Helping reduce sugar cravings for good [8]
And All It Takes IS 6-Minutes No Training Experience, Gym Membership, Or Expensive Equipment Needed...
And no need to waste time sweating for an hour just to get a good workout either… In fact, this groundbreaking workout is SO SHORT I have seen men NOT SWEAT AT ALL while still getting the body shaping results they crave…
- Being forced to wake up early to train… (these workouts are so quick and can perform them during the commercial break of anyone’s favorite TV show)
Being hot and sticky during your workout… (“sweating” is NOT a sign of a good workout anyway. All that’s need are a few key movements done in a specific pattern to have an incredible workout without triggering smelly sweat glands)
- Boring cardio sessions on the treadmill or pounding knees and ankles on the pavement...,
- Struggling to function with sore muscles all day...
- Getting dirty and stinky before starting the day or having to take another shower in the evening after a workout…
- Ripping hands apart with painful blisters...
- Feeling uncomfortable when training in front of others at the gym…
- Stay in bed when it’s dark and cold and even hit the ‘Snooze’ button every morning… and STILL get a workout done and feel accomplished after.
- Feel ALIVE after finishing the routine— No more limping, walking slowly, or struggling to lift your arms and legs…
- Finish a wickedly effective fat burning and muscle sculpting routine anywhere, anytime, even in a small hotel or living room in only 6 minutes…
- Enjoy incredible results from training without worrying about anyone judging you at a gym…
- These workouts are the perfect marriage of power and convenience…

PLUS, They take Everything Hated About Training And Toss It Out The Window… Sticking To This Body Shaping Routine With Lots Of Motivation And Ease ...
These “instant workouts” are safer too…
Because trying to squeeze workouts into a tight schedule typically force men to blow-off warmup sets, ignore proper form and train recklessly…
Which according to a study published in Injury Epidemiology, is the #1 cause of gym injuries… [9] Even worse…
Most workouts can cause scary and embarrassing side-effects like muscle decay, slowed metabolism, excessive weight gain, infertility, decreased libido, chronic fatigue, brain fog, high blood pressure, heart disease… [10]
And Worst Of All...
‘Traditional’ Gym Workouts Can Dry-Up the ‘Fountain Of Youth’ Hormone And Can Even Shorten Life By Strangling A Powerful Antioxidant Needed To Survive… [11]

Not only will this information help add years… but when following the simple advice on this page unleashing the ‘miracle elixir’ every person has in their body but very few are letting ‘work its magic’…
And recharge the #1 fat loss hormone, while helping to get lean and ripped fast, and turn back the clock on aging in less than 20-minutes a week…
Plus never have to worry about ‘tweaking a back muscle’, feeling groggy, or getting painfully sore and exhausted after training…
Sounds too good to be true, right?
That’s What I Used To Think! Which Makes This A Perfect Time To Introduce Myself...

Hi. I’m Chandler Marchman
Husband, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Licensed Personal Trainer…
And even though fitness is a passion of mine… I know how frustrating it is to train hard and only feel worse because of it… to the point of asking myself, “Is working out really worth my time and energy?”
And the answer may shock you. Because…
My conclusion is NOT what anyone would expect from a “fitness buff” or personal trainer. In fact, I never thought I’d be caught dead saying what I’m about to say. The truth is…
Over the years I’ve hit some roadblocks on my fitness journey… The same roadblocks most people run into but have no idea how to overcome… Roadblocks that cost—BIG TIME… Not only inside the gym. But outside the gym too…
I’d hate for men to make the same mistakes I did… Because those very mistakes almost made me throw in the towel on training altogether. See, not too long ago I was all about traditional gym workouts—lifting weights using barbells and machines, running on treadmills, and training one muscle group at a time…
And Instead Of Feeling Functional, Fit And Pain Free I Was Bulky, Stiff & Unbalanced...

Sure… Lifting heavy barbells and dumbbells helped me get stronger. And I certainly looked like a “fitness guy.”
But after years of traditional weight training I discovered these workouts were secretly wearing my body down from the inside-out… And before I realized the damage of traditional exercise I began suffering with daily aches and pains that made my day miserable…
Because after each gym session, I’d come home stiff as a board. Limping through the house like a man 3 times my age. And not only were my muscles sore… my joints and ligaments felt they were on their last leg…
Not to mention…
I Was Scorched With INFLAMMATION!
My Elbows And Shoulders Felt Like They Were On FIRE...

And My Wrists and ankles constantly stung…
Soon I was putting ice packs all over my body to make the pain stop. I tried going to sleep early to heal faster. I even tried taking time off from the gym to recover. But nothing worked. Whether it was a few days or a full week—the moment I got back to conventional workouts inflammation reared its ugly head again…
And the day after training was no better…
I’d wake up in the morning crippled with neck pain. Unable to turn my head. There were times my wife would try to get my attention and I’d have to turn my entire body to face her because my neck was so tight…
My body was so wound up I even pulled my hamstring during sex!
My Body Was Rebelling Against ME And I Was Quickly Losing Control...

Soon the aches and pains in my lower back, spine and legs turned my body into a human folding chair… because my posture starting suffering. And I slowly formed a “hunchback”…
And the worse my posture got…the more my physique suffered! The 6-pack I loved to show off became soft. And I started collecting fat around my midsection…
Which is the worst place for men and women to pack on body fat… Threatening to wreak havoc on hormones, raising your blood pressure, and disrupting quality of life in scary ways.
All my life I trained my body like it was a mix of individual body parts. Instead of one unit that’s created to function together…
And It Finally Caught Up To Me... I Looked Strong On The Outside. But I Was Weaker Than Ever On The Inside...
All I’d ever done was follow the training routines of my favorite athletes, bodybuilders and movie stars. I adopted every piece of reasonable advice the fitness industry had to offer… And it only left me high and dry. And that’s when I realized…
Naive Personal Trainers And “Fitness Gurus” Are Blindly Setting Men Up To FAIL

Here I was. A young guy with my entire future in front of me… But if my experience was anything like a ‘crystal ball’, my future looked bleak…
My whole world was flipped upside down. Because exercise was doing opposite of what I needed… And my sore muscles, raw joints, low energy levels and shaken confidence were crying out for a solution…
I had to find another way to workout… One that didn’t cause me to suffer… And that I could easily manage in my crazy schedule…
So I “Went Back To The Drawing Board ”... And In That Moment I Decided To Cut All The Crap Out Of My Workouts…

To chop away at every heavy weight and unnecessary movement that was making my workouts harder than they had to be…
Because I knew if I stood any chance of ditching aches and pains, improving my life and getting my swagger back, I’d have to break the status-quo…
And that’s when I stumbled across the workout solution…
That Saved My Body & Life...
The Amazingly Simple Workout Method That ‘Flips The Script’ On Traditional Training And Help Heal the Body From The Inside Out
By Releasing A ‘Miracle Elixir’ That Restores Lost Energy Levels, Re-Ignites Fat Burning Hormones And Rewinds The Clock On Your Face And Physique…
Now I Have To Warn Everyone… The Fitness Industry Does Not Want Men To Find Out About This Form Of Training...

Because when the world discovers this largely ‘untapped’ method, it could be the stone that knocks out corporate fitness giants…
While stuffing hundreds of thousands of dollars back into the pockets of unsuspecting people who have wasted their hard-earned cash on gym memberships for decades… All because they were told that the only place to ‘get a good workout’ was at the gym…
But the simple workout method that I’m moments away from sharing, brings the gym TO MEN…
So You Can Workout On Their Term Any Time... Any Place
Without Having To Step Foot Out Of Their Own Living Room If They Don’t Want To…

And while getting a workout that rivals every other you’ve tried in the past…
So for men who like to train on their own terms, without putting their body at risk of injury while unlocking lightning-fast results…
Don’t Perform Another Workout Until Reading Every Word On This Page: Because
Their Current Workout Is Releasing A “Death Hormone” Into Their Bloodstream That’s Making Them Weak, Old, And Fat…

This “Death Hormone”, also known as cortisol is a hidden threat to health…
Cortisol is released into your bloodstream by a trigger that I call ‘destructive exercise.’ And once cortisol is released, it sends a signal to fat cells to release around the stomach, legs, chest, back and face…
And once settled in, cortisol produces even more fat cells that turn into chubby globs overnight [12].
To Make Matters Worse Cortisol Increases Appetite , Raises Sugar Cravings, Hunger Pangs, And Binge Eating... [13]

Plus the more of this Death Hormone ” they have in their bloodstream, the quicker they age!
weak immune system, shrinking organs, decreased muscle mass, inflamed joints, thinning skin, age marks, face wrinkles—deteriorating their very existence in front of their eyes… [14]
Which is why if they work out or even think about working out…
They Must Avoid These 3 Destructive Exercise Mistakes That Release The Hidden “Death Hormone” And Run Their Results...

Destructive Exercise Mistake #1:
Taxing Gym Sessions
Heard the Greek myth of an ancient king who was forced to roll a MASSIVE boulder up a GIANT hill every day for eternity? Only to watch it roll back down when he reached the top?
With taxing gym sessions, men are punishing themselves in the same way.
Bodybuilders and fitness professionals that shell out training advice are hiding a ‘dirty little secret’ behind closed doors. They recommend training sessions that push your body to its breaking point on a daily basis… A sure-fire recipe for cortisol release…
But what these professionals don’t tell everyone is most of them are taking on full-throttle workouts with the help of performance enhancing drugs—namely anabolic steroids—which helps them go longer and stronger in the gym…
A ‘luxury’ that normal men don’t have. And one they shouldn’t pursue because of the dangerous side-effects of steroid use [15]… But unlike the pro’s….
When men train for more than 45-minutes, their body responds much differently…
Long and taxing workouts skyrocket their cortisol levels and make their body cry ‘Uncle!’ from stress overload… And before they know it, their ‘good workout’ cripples their gains and sucks their ‘fountain of youth’ hormones dry [16].
And they walk out of the gym having dumped a scary load of “death hormone” in your veins… Threatening to steal their quality of life in a hurry according to a study recorded in the Journal of The American Physical Therapy Association [17].
I know there is a problem to see here. Because…
Men train to look better, feel better and live longer. Not look worse, feel worse and die sooner. And in just seconds I’m going to uncover the secret that’ll put this exercise mistake to rest for good…

Destructive Exercise Mistake #2
Marathon Cardio Sessions
If men like to ‘go for a jog’ from time to time, this is for them. Because…
Their daily jog could be the reason they put on more weight this year… feel tired during the day… or have trouble performing in the bedroom… Because marathon-long cardio sessions release dangerous free radicals into their body. Creating a toxic release of “death hormone” that’s like acid to their muscle tissue and slows their metabolism [18]…
Plus, free-radical release is causing “stress pollution” to bubble up in their body and put them at risk of dangerous heart conditions, brain shrinkage and accelerated aging [19].
In fact…
According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, cortisol levels don’t elevate within the first 10-minutes of exercise… But once they reach the 30-minute mark, and DOUBLE [20].
Yet the good news is I’m just moments away from helping everyone discover how to escape this sinister hormone and finally get the body and results they crave most…

Destructive Exercise Mistake #2
Marathon Cardio Sessions
According to a study published in Aging and Disease, as men get older, their body suffers from increased inflammation—a concern they didn’t have when they were younger… [21]
But when men find themselves in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, they need to come to grips with the fact that they shouldn’t exercise like they did when they were younger. Because…
Inflammation releases a group of rebel atoms into the bloodstream. And wreak havoc on a vital protein known as albumin, or what I call the ‘miracle elixir’…
This ‘miracle elixir’ is a fortune teller of their future—can help predict death and disease for every person on earth.
In fact…
A large gathering of studies found that with every 10 g/L decrease in albumin, death was increased by 137% and disease increased by 89% [22]. So if they want to go toe-to-toe with Father Time they should keep albumin levels high… By keeping inflammation low…
Which means ditching the heavy weights in the gym… [23]
And choosing the best form of training that’ll drastically reduce inflammation while filling their up on ‘miracle elixir’ so they look, feel, and perform better around the clock…
That’s a claim few exercise programs can make…
Yet I Can’t Take All The Credit For This Method... Remember The Elite Soviet Union Forces Trainer I Mentioned At The Beginning Of This Letter?

Well, let me introduce him and the fat-loss secret that changed my life…
His name is Vladislav Kraevsky. A Russian Physician known as the founding father of Olympic weight training. He opened one of Russia’s first weight training facilities where elite soldiers would learn the ins and outs to becoming certified bad-asses… Using just ONE unique form of training…
This ‘covert’ training tactic snips the wires on self-destructive exercise and helps men safely build muscle and burn fat at electrifying speed…
It was designed to make military men untouchable. Strong. Agile. Functional. Quietly Dangerous. The fact that participants developed a chiseled physique was just a side-benefit of the training… And all it requires is 6-minutes…
And I’m only moments away from disclosing the workout that INSTANTLY ignites their most powerful fat-burning fuel and torches uncanny amounts of body fat super-fast…
But First…
Men Need To That’s Wrecking Their Physique And Stealing Their Quality Of Life - And Replace It With…
The 3 Lean Physique Tactics
That’ll Make Getting
Ripped And Lean Easier Than Ever.
And In Half The Time…

Lean Physique Tactic #1:
High-Efficiency Cycle Workouts
Men don’t need to carve out hours of their day to get to the gym anymore. And like I mentioned above, if they’re trying to force a workout into their already busy schedule, IT’S NOT WORTH IT… Because…
Scientists everywhere have confirmed that “less is more” if they want to achieve their dream physique. A massive study published in the Journal of Obesity, disclosed the benefits of short workouts to the world. Among them are…
- Fires-up fat-burning around the clock
- Reduces stomach fat
- Turns-on their metabolism and keeps it running for hours
- Elevated hormone levels for maximal fat-burning and muscle building
- Suppresses appetite, and more… [24]
Plus they’ll add hours to your week by cutting back on long workouts so they can do whatever they want with all the extra time on their hands…
By keeping their workouts short and focused they’ll trigger a full-throttle fat-burning response for hours on end that’ll torch stubborn body fat even when they’re lying around the house doing nothing…
And as an added bonus this HECW training style will reduce inflammation, protect from injuries and rejuvenate their body with the ‘Miracle Elixir For Life’ according to a study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine… [25][26]
Follow this simple method and they’ll notice untouchable results in unbeatable time…

Lean Physique Tactic #2:
Elite Swing Training
According to a study recorded by the American Council of Exercise, high intensity cardio workouts and weight training aren’t even close to the best exercises men can do to burn fat and build lean muscle… However they did find training that puts every other workout to shame…
Elite Swing Training… The researchers discovered that men and women who participated in this style of training burned at least 20.2 calories per minute, leaving the research group stunned. Claiming EST as a powerhouse workout that delivers “off the charts” results and gives participants the biggest bang for their buck [27]…
There’s no other workout on the planet that can achieve these results – that is unless men want to try out intense, uphill cross-country skiing… But something tells me that won’t fit nice and neat into their already busy schedule…
Which is why Elite Swing Training is the most practical workout… Because not only will it deliver a high-powered workout that only takes 6-minutes to complete. But also…
Men can perform EST from the luxury of their own living room… No harsh weather. No long commute. No need to spend hundreds of dollars on gym memberships or expensive equipment. No need to even get out of their pajamas if they don’t want to…
This training style is the easiest way to get noticeable results…

Lean Physique Tactic #3:
Full-Unit Physique Exercis
Ever seen those guys at the gym that can bench press a ton of weight but can’t run for more than 10-seconds without getting winded?
Or the gal that has an impressive lower body, but a flabby midsection and jiggly arm fat?
Why do these people exist? Because traditional workouts throw their physique off balance and make them ‘gym strong’ but weak in the real world… Because when they work out at a gym they train their body like a bunch of isolated muscle groups instead of ONE UNIT…
Which will make them disjointed, unbalanced, and unable to perform their best in everyday situations like…
- Bending over to pick up a stack of moving boxes
- Holding their crying child (or grandchild) for hours at a time
- Carrying groceries in the house
- Walking up a flight or two of stairs
- Working in the yard so it looks great when their friends come over
- Sitting at a desk for 8-hours every day
- Going fishing or hunting
- Chasing children (or grandchildren) around the backyard
- And more…
If men want to train more effectively and functionally for everyday life while crafting an incredible physique that gets boatloads of attention, Full-Unit Physique Exercise is their ‘one-stop-shop’ to make it happen…
This full-body workout brings their entire body into short and electrifying exercise that sends a surge of high-powered hormones through their body and makes building muscle easier than ever before… [28]
Plus Full-Unit Physique Exercise has been scientifically proven to reduce cortisol—the ‘death hormone’ that makes their bones and joints sore, accelerates aging, reduces muscle mass and stores fat—and replace it with their ’fountain of youth’ hormones…
Making them look and feel younger from the inside-out so they can thrive in every area of life and look great while doing it [29].
These Lean Physique Tactics – Combined In A Simple 6-Minute Workout – Make Getting Ripped And Healthy Easier Than Ever Before…

And men won’t have to…
- Perform countless reps and sets that rub their joints raw while eating away at cartilage between their knees, ankles, elbows and wrists—causing life-threatening bouts of painful inflammation that makes playing with their kids, going to work, enjoying vacation, and having sex difficult. And the only way to get rid of the pain is to empty their wallet on mind-numbing (and belly bloating) pain-killers…
- Waste hard-earned “free-time” at the gym performing mindless repetitions of boring exercise that makes ‘watching paint dry’ look like a thrilling vacation in comparison. And also dumps loads of ‘death hormone’ into your bloodstream…
- Shell-out wads of cash on diet supplement scams that break the bank and can even fill their body with cancer-causing chemicals and artificial sweeteners that shut-down thier metabolism and increase their risk of type II diabetes… [30][31]
- Continue Feeling Trapped In A Body They Hate because they don’t have time to make it to the gym or are following any “run of the mill” program that’s secretly doing their physique more harm than good…
Instead, Finally Take Advantage Of My Unique Training Method That Puts Men First
featuring carefully crafted and simple to follow workouts that fit effortlessly into their busy schedule and are tailor-made for every fitness level, from beginner to advanced… Plus they can take them anywhere they go. No gym required!
These ‘done-for-you’ workouts (that you’re only seconds away from accessing) will make men more functional in everyday life while increasing their #1 fat-burning hormone by 21x so that they can burn fat even when they aren’t working out, and turn back the dial on skin aging by as much as 40-years… [32]
And it’s chock-full of other life-changing benefits that’ll enhance their health and life…

Featuring The World’s Safest, Easiest, And Fastest Fat-Burning Workouts That’ll Help Make Men Leaner, Look Younger And More Energetic With Only 18-Minutes A Week…
With METCON 6 Supercharge The ‘Fountain Of Youth’ Hormones That Turn Fat-Burning On Auto-Pilot While Upgrading Muscle Growth And Turning Back ‘Father Time’ On Your Face, Body And Joints… Plus Add Hours Of Time To The Day And Help Men Stuff Wads Of Cash Back Into Your Wallet By Discontinuing Their Gym Membership For Good…

- The world’s fastest fat-burning workouts that’ll ignite your most explosive fat-loss hormones for a dynamite physique… These exercises are so powerful they’ll melt off embarrassing blubber from even their most stubborn fat areas including ‘love handles’, ‘spare tire’, and thigh fat that makes even walking uncomfortable…
- The step-by-step exercise guide that’ll make working out ‘easy as pie’… This easy-to-use program will give you shocking results that friends can’t help but notice (especially when they find out it takes only 18-minutes a week training)…
- The most convenient workouts ever combined into one program… NO more commute. NO more expensive gym membership. NO more inconvenient gym hours. Get overnight fat-loss results hand-delivered right to the living room…
- Instant access to ‘beginner’… ‘intermediate’… and ‘advanced’ workouts so men can LEVEL-UP after every “workout block” for uncanny results in unbeatable time… These 6-minute workouts send a unique surge of energy flowing through men’s veins so they’ll have more power, spirit and stamina to take on the day—every day…
- Why every repetition rewinds time on their physique… Plus the recovery secret that’ll pave the way for unbeatable fat loss… Found on page 9.
- How man can use simple items scattered around their house, and even their own bodyweight to torch fat and pack on lean muscle muscle… Without having to touch a dumbbell, barbell, or exercise machine ever again after they discover these ‘at-home hacks’ for getting ripped…
- The first exercise program that can truly be done ON THEIR TERMS… This program is so powerful you they can use it as a solo workout, tack-on tactic, or de-load protocol for lightning-fast results…
- Why “sharing the load” during their workout is crucial for electrifying their #1 fat-loss hormone 21x in only 6-minutes… Men won’t ever again train their muscles like they’re a motley crew of disjointed body parts after discovering this little-known secret for crafting a head-turning physique…
- The scientifically proven way to flood their veins with the ‘Miracle Elixir For Life’ so they can look and feel younger than they have in ages… Each spectacular workout will unleash ‘fountain of youth’ hormones that tighten their skin and make wrinkles disappear so they can show off a younger them (even as they age)…
- How men can look 20-40 years younger in only a few months according to a groundbreaking study done at the McMaster University in Ontario… HINT: It’s a wonder that every person in the world isn’t using this simple trick right now…
- How-to train ache and pain free while getting an unbeatable workout… This dynamic training technique is so easy on their body it’ll protect them from uncomfortable muscle imbalances, chronic joint inflammation, energy crashes, and scary gym-injuries that’ll put them on the sidelines of life…
- The last and ONLY piece of workout equipment they’ll ever need to change their life and transform their physique… Found on page 3.
- Why this training tactic improves flexibility and makes men ‘real-world strong’. Not just ‘gym strong’… BONUS: These diverse exercises will spark training with excitement and make men wonder why they ever gave into boring workouts full of mindless repetitions in the past…
- The workout solution for busy people… Get the “biggest bang for your buck” with every short and easy training session…
- ‘No-hassle’ workouts that men can take with them. On vacation. In a hotel room. At the beach. They can get ripped anytime, anywhere from now on…
- Why kettlebell training is known as a “Cure For Lower Back Pain”… This training tactic puts your muscles and joints on autocorrect so they won’t ‘tweak their back’… ‘pull a hammy’… or ‘pinch a nerve’ ever again…
- The three-headed monster training technique that’ll rev-up their metabolism, add slabs of lean muscle to their frame, and stimulate natural hormones that’ll set men up for fat-loss around the clock… They’ll be amazed at how fast the fat falls off their body even when they’re lying around doing nothing…
- The only way to train in the morning without sucking their energy levels dry for the rest of the day… Found on page 6.
- How men can craft the ripped physique that every woman craves and instantly demands respect and status among peers…
- Why kettlebells are like carrying a ‘gym in their hand’, how-to strengthen every muscle from head to toe, the preferred training method of United States Navy Seals since the turn of the century, why kettlebells will simplify your life, how-to train your core for a ripped set of abs without performing endless amounts of back breaking crunches, why they’ll finally achieve better posture in only weeks, and so much more!
The METCON 6 Workout Manual Is A Sure-Fire Solution To All Those Physical Frustrations—Both Inside And Outside

That have held men back from really thriving in their own body…
Just imagine… In a few short weeks achieving a ripped physique that’ll make the topic of conversation in any room while helping add years of life and more time to show it off. There’s no comparison…
No other workout can make a busy person ripped and lean as fast as this one can while adding youthful charm to the face, neck, and body and giving energy to spare at the end of the day. And because I know it’ll change men’s lives for the better I don’t want anyone to miss out…
Which Is Why I Want To Make This Offer A No-Brainer For Men And GUARANTEE Their Success Over The Next Few Weeks…
By Giving men The World’s Fastest Fat Loss Diet Absolutely Free When Men Buy METCON 6 Today...
I’ve Decided To Include $570
Of Free Value-Added Bonuses!


The World’s Fastest Fat Loss Diet
Inside The World’s Fastest Fat Loss Diet plan I’ll reveal every single detail that men need to turn their kitchen into a fat-burning sidekick from now on…
This “no frills” fat-loss plan cuts through the fluff of hundreds of fad-diet scams and delivers only the most proven rapid-fire methods for attaining their ideal physique in the fastest time possible—without counting calories, weighing portions or confusing number systems that make it hard to keep track of (and makes going out to eat a pain in the butt)…
Inside The World’s Fastest Fat Loss Diet Also Discover…
- The simple and sustainable fat-loss eating plan that’ll make getting lean look easy… With this ‘too good to be true’ fat-torching technique, notice fat melting off the body every night before bed…
- How-to fire up the most powerful fat-burning hormones for jaw-dropping fat-loss… BONUS: The ‘special sauce’ that men can slather on any meal to kick-start their metabolism and keep it churning for hours on end…
- How to eat plenty of delicious foods and that help torch fat at the same time… Groundbreaking research discovered this lone eating trick will eliminate fat-storing hormones from the body and help the body burns fat 24/7... [33]
- The little-known ‘timing hack’ that’ll send a surge of nutrients to their muscles when they need it most… Men can build more lean muscle than ever before in a short amount of time just by using this effortless trick…
- An all-inclusive grocery list featuring every food needed to build muscle, torch fat, reverse aging, and reinvigorate their sex hormones TODAY…… Plus mouth-watering recipes including the protein-packed ‘1-2 Brunch Knockout Omelet’… the flavor-laced ‘Blue-Cheese Butter Burger Wrap’… a ‘Sizzling Salmon Stir-Fry’, vitamin-packed ‘Power Salad’ and much more…
- The two beverages men should drink every morning before anything else touches their lips to build muscle and burn fat better throughout the day… Found on Page 5.
- 3 reasons why whole eggs should be a staple in every person’s diet,, how-to make a delicious ‘on the go’ keto-trail mix that’s packed with all the nutrients men need to get ripped, 5 spices that’ll skyrocket your #1 fat burning hormone, how-to get rid of sugar cravings for good, the diet secret of 5-time Super Bowl winning quarterback Tom Brady to fight inflammation and stay young, how to get and stay in ketosis for maximal fat burning around the clock, and so much more!


Supplement Guide
Inside the METCON 6 Supplement Guide I’ll disclose every supplement men can use to supercharge their results and get every benefit faster…
This all-inclusive guide unlocks an extra surge of fat-burning power that’ll make men torch MORE FAT during their workouts than ever before. Plus each supplement is stacked with spectacular muscle-building primers to help get lean and ripped before, during and after workouts…
Inside The Supplement Guide Also Uncover…
- The “dirt cheap” supplement that’s been scientifically proven to burn fat fast and amp up their muscle-building potential in minutes… HINT: Men probably already own it and drink it every morning…
- The most researched supplement on the planet… Proven to kick-ass and take names this sure-fire supplement will make packing on slabs of lean muscle mass look easy. Found on Page 4.
- Why a simple multivitamin can mean the difference between burning fat and burning fat at lightning fast speed… Each specialty nutrient will singe off stubborn body fat and soak into their muscles so you can show off your most impressive physique to date…
- The single vitamin that’ll balance their hormones and make fat loss a sinch… BONUS: This vitamin is absolutely FREE. All they have to do is step outside and soak it in…
- Why drinking protein shakes can make men fat, the magical oil that can also help melt fat right off their body, the “secret weapon” man can dump in their water to optimize nerve and muscle function, the pre-workout drink that’ll pump their muscles with a steady flow of amino acids for maximum growth, the “shortcut supplement” 99% of people have never heard of that’s scientifically proven to unload the heavy artillery on body fat [34], and much more!


Exercise Video Library
With the Exercise Video Library men won’t have a single question about the “how-to” of any exercise in The METCON 6 program. Because these videos “cross every t” and “dot every i” FOR YOU and throw all guesswork in the garbage…
These videos take everyone by the hand and guide them through every step for a successful fat-burning and muscle-building workout. And makes getting lean and ripped paint by numbers easy…
Inside The Exercise Video Library – Get…
- High-quality training videos that show the ins-and-outs of every exercise so everyone can perform each one safely and effectively… Plus a full library of exercises that’ll provide the “know-how” needed to have a powerful fat-burning workout every time...
- Each movement documented on video with pinpoint accuracy and unmatched clarity… These simple videos are so easy to follow along with they’ll wonder how they ever exercised without them…
- The key to dominating every kettlebell exercise with perfect form… They’ll achieve complete mastery of every movement in no time so they never waste a single second of fat-burning during the 6-minute workout…
- 5 tips for a better kettlebell swing, the top-3 must-avoid mistakes for safe and effective workouts, the “perfect swing” formula, the BEST way to warm up muscles, complete a workout without tweaking, pulling, or overworking a muscle, and much more!


Quick-Start Guide
Start getting the lean body men crave TODAY with the user-friendly Quick-Start Guide guaranteed to place them on the fast-track to unbeatable fat-loss…
The V.I.P. Quick-Start Guide gives you an insider’s grasp on kettlebell training from the moment it’s opened up! This resource will serve men faithfully in their first week of training so they can torch fat straight away. But that’s not all…
Inside The Quick-Start Guide They’ll Get…
- The step-by-step introduction to kettlebell training that’s so easy to understand they’ll be an expert in seconds… This user-friendly guide will make men lean and mean from day one…
- An easy-to-follow plan for possibly the fastest fat-loss experience in 1-week right at everyone’s fingertips… INSTANTLY take this program on with unbreakable confidence and unbeatable odds—and will be shocked with fat melting off the body the very first week!
- The carefully tested Kettlebell 101 course that’ll help men get lean faster than ever…With this course and say goodbye to frustration and confusion that they’ve experienced on other workout plans…
- How to prime muscles for top-notch growth before each workout, 2 pre-training tips that’ll guarantee a safe and painless workout so you can have peace of mind with every movement, how to create healthy and winning habits from Day-1, the visualization technique that’ll help make transforming your body easy, how to remove mental blocks and succeed, and much more!


Printable Workout Logs
An eye-opening new study published in the American Psychological Association, discovered a way to INSTANTLY help make your body look like a million bucks…
By keeping a workout log…
Which is why I’ve included this exclusive bonus ABSOLUTELY FREE with the purchase of The METCON 6 Workout Manual… See uncanny amounts of success that’ll leave stubborn body fat in the dust and friends in shock and awe because of how great you look…
These Printable Workout Logs are simple to fill out—featuring dates and “exercise slots”— for results that are so such a sure-thing even Vegas won’t bet against…

And I certainly hope men won’t bet against themselves… Because these 5 bonuses virtually guarantee they’ll get ripped and lean in no time flat…
See… When I created the METCON 6 Workout Manual I wanted it to make it the most effective fat-burning program an important person could plug into life and use RIGHT AWAY… No gimmicks. No bells and whistles. Only essentials…
A simple training structure that guarantees success… That’s my goal. Plus exclusive bonuses that fit neatly into EVERYDAY LIFE and guarantee safe, fast and long-lasting results…
I know I won’t eat my words when I say this program is life-changing… And don’t have to wait any longer to get the body that is wanted and deserved RIGHT NOW…
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below
To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price of
JUST $20
(Worth Over $560 For Free!!)

Feel More Energetic Today!
You see… Because I’m so confident that you’ll experience incredible results with this program I’ll put all the risk on me with my 100% unconditional money-back triple guarantee…
Burn Fat, Get Ripped, And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back – Guaranteed! METCON 6 Workout Manual comes with a 100% unconditional money back triple-guarantee. If you don’t burn fat, get ripped, and feel more confident in only a few short weeks, just let me know and I’ll give you a full-refund. No questions asked…

You see… Because I’m so confident that you’ll experience incredible results with this program I’ll put all the risk on me with my 100% unconditional money-back triple guarantee…
Burn Fat, Get Ripped, And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back – Guaranteed! METCON 6 Workout Manual comes with a 100% unconditional money back triple-guarantee. If you don’t burn fat, get ripped, and feel more confident in only a few short weeks, just let me know and I’ll give you a full-refund. No questions asked…

You Have Nothing To Lose!
This Program Is Designed So
To Notice Results Fast...

And I’ve created it to fit nice and easy into everyday life so there is no need to carve chunks out of the day to train.
Every person has 18-minutes to spare during an entire week for a quick workout that’ll make them lean, ripped and brimming with confidence… Wouldn’t you agree?
But if you don’t have 18-minutes to spare per week, I have to hand it to you… You’re the busiest person I know. And I’m sure that whatever you have on your plate is incredibly important…

And I’ve created it to fit nice and easy into everyday life so there is no need to carve chunks out of the day to train.
Every person has 18-minutes to spare during an entire week for a quick workout that’ll make them lean, ripped and brimming with confidence… Wouldn’t you agree?
But if you don’t have 18-minutes to spare per week, I have to hand it to you… You’re the busiest person I know. And I’m sure that whatever you have on your plate is incredibly important…
That’s Why I’m Making This Guarantee A 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Because if you think you want to try it out but you aren’t sure if you have the time, I want to at least give you the opportunity to make it work over the next 2 months. After all I made METCON 6 Workout Manual for busy people to benefit from it. And it’s my honest hope that you will…
If you buy the program but realize you just don’t have the time to commit to a short 6-minute workout 3 days a week, no worries. Just shoot me an email and you’ll get your money back. This is a true risk-free offer…
But before we shake hands and work together towards achieving a dream physique I want to make something very clear…
Earlier I claimed I’m certain this program will change anyone’s life who commits to it. So I want to assure everyone I’m not giving this risk-free guarantee because I expect to hear anything back except for how thrilled everyone is about their own body transformation…
The major reason I’m giving you this 60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee so…

Because if you think you want to try it out but you aren’t sure if you have the time, I want to at least give you the opportunity to make it work over the next 2 months. After all I made METCON 6 Workout Manual for busy people to benefit from it. And it’s my honest hope that you will…
If you buy the program but realize you just don’t have the time to commit to a short 6-minute workout 3 days a week, no worries. Just shoot me an email and you’ll get your money back. This is a true risk-free offer…
But before we shake hands and work together towards achieving a dream physique I want to make something very clear…
Earlier I claimed I’m certain this program will change anyone’s life who commits to it. So I want to assure everyone I’m not giving this risk-free guarantee because I expect to hear anything back except for how thrilled everyone is about their own body transformation…
The major reason I’m giving you this 60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee so…
Everyone Sees How Much I Truly Believe In This Program... And In You! After All, I’m Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is. And So Is Everyone Buying It.
So let this 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee remove any lingering shred of doubt you may have about whether or not you should click the button below…,
So let this 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee remove any lingering shred of doubt you may have about whether or not you should click the button below…,
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below
To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price of
JUST $20
(Worth Over $560 For Free!!)
When We Tally Everything Up, The Cost
Of Transforming A Life Right Now...
…Comes out to less cash than a tub of protein, 18-pack of beer, or a greasy meal for two at your favorite fast-food joint…
…Comes out to less cash than a tub of protein, 18-pack of beer, or a greasy meal for two at your favorite fast-food joint…
So To Call This Decision A ‘No-Brainer’ Would Be A MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT…

Think about it. After the first few days of this program notice fat around your midsection begin to disappear… A fresh surge of energy you’ve been missing for ages will recharge the body and mind. Friends and family will “notice something different about you” and ask how they’re getting in such incredible shape… They may even get a flirty wink or seductive smile from the opposite sex…
Plus they’ll increase their ‘fountain of youth’ hormones and the ‘miracle elixir for life’ and heal their body from the inside-out… Don’t be fooled. No other workout can do all that for you in only 6-minutes…
For those who are ready, they’re only moments away from getting ripped, looking younger, feeling more energetic, and changing their life. And the way I see it…

Think about it. After the first few days of this program notice fat around your midsection begin to disappear… A fresh surge of energy you’ve been missing for ages will recharge the body and mind. Friends and family will “notice something different about you” and ask how they’re getting in such incredible shape… They may even get a flirty wink or seductive smile from the opposite sex…
Plus they’ll increase their ‘fountain of youth’ hormones and the ‘miracle elixir for life’ and heal their body from the inside-out… Don’t be fooled. No other workout can do all that for you in only 6-minutes…
For those who are ready, they’re only moments away from getting ripped, looking younger, feeling more energetic, and changing their life. And the way I see it…
There Are 3 Options Of
Where To Go From Here...
Option #1

Keep Doing What’s Been Done.
Trying to squeeze hour-long workouts into the little bit of time they have for exercise. Hard-earned time that should be spent doing something you really love instead of performing endless amounts of mind-numbing exercise that gives you little results…
And as a result becoming exhausted and frustrated with the person they see in the mirror every night. And maybe even quit working out altogether because they realize it’s just not worth the hassle…
But let’s just say they’re “dead set” on getting in shape for the first time in their life. And they’ve committed to squeezing every last drop out of their schedule to get a workout in each day…
And so they pick-up a workout magazine or pull a training program off some fitness website and try to follow it as closely as they can… But as they do, they dry up their ‘fountain of youth’ hormones and look older and feel more exhausted by the minute. Not to mention, they begin collecting fat at an alarming rate—around their stomach, thighs and face…
Keep telling themselves that they’ll see their “dream physique” one day. But they can’t ignore the hard evidence that their traditional workout plan is making them miserable…
Meanwhile they’re still trapped inside a body they hate. And with every failed attempt to get into shape, their confidence levels plummet, and they begin to feel hopeless to ever like the way they look in the mirror or to others…
Plus, as their metabolism slows down and they gain weight, they increase their chances for inflammation, disease, and even cancer… putting their quality of life in severe danger… But luckily that’s not the only option for you…
Trying to squeeze hour-long workouts into the little bit of time they have for exercise. Hard-earned time that should be spent doing something you really love instead of performing endless amounts of mind-numbing exercise that gives you little results…
And as a result becoming exhausted and frustrated with the person they see in the mirror every night. And maybe even quit working out altogether because they realize it’s just not worth the hassle…
But let’s just say they’re “dead set” on getting in shape for the first time in their life. And they’ve committed to squeezing every last drop out of their schedule to get a workout in each day…
And so they pick-up a workout magazine or pull a training program off some fitness website and try to follow it as closely as they can… But as they do, they dry up their ‘fountain of youth’ hormones and look older and feel more exhausted by the minute. Not to mention, they begin collecting fat at an alarming rate—around their stomach, thighs and face…
Keep telling themselves that they’ll see their “dream physique” one day. But they can’t ignore the hard evidence that their traditional workout plan is making them miserable…
Meanwhile they’re still trapped inside a body they hate. And with every failed attempt to get into shape, their confidence levels plummet, and they begin to feel hopeless to ever like the way they look in the mirror or to others…
Plus, as their metabolism slows down and they gain weight, they increase their chances for inflammation, disease, and even cancer… putting their quality of life in severe danger… But luckily that’s not the only option for you…
Option #2
The Option To Take All The Information Learned While Reading This Page And Try To ‘Make It On Their Own’…

And honestly, if this is the option that’s chosen, I really do hope for success. I want the world to know that long and taxing workouts are a hack… And they can have scary effects on their health and physique…
And even more than that, I want everyone to unlock the body they deserve. Because no person who works so hard should have to feel trapped inside a body they hate…
But here’s something everyone needs to understand before going down this road …
9 of every 10 people who read this page will try to “figure it out” on their own. And—I don’t want to be unkind, but—almost all of them will fail. Because this isn’t a training program that can be mastered with guesswork…
I’ve specifically designed this simple program to cut through the fluff of all the workout advice that’s ever been given and give THE BEST solution to burn fat lightning fast, building LEAN and POWERFUL muscle, and do all of this while revitalizing youth hormones so that everyone can look and feel younger…
Sure, some workouts may help burn fat. Others may help build muscle. Some might even find exercise that’ll give them some measure of hormonal balance. But they’ll be hard-pressed to find one that does all three at one time… And protects their joints while doing so… In only 6-minutes.
They’re truly looking at a one-of-a-kind workout program here…
And the only way to unlock all of these benefits in the same place, is to use the right key… And it can be found in option #3…

And honestly, if this is the option that’s chosen, I really do hope for success. I want the world to know that long and taxing workouts are a hack… And they can have scary effects on their health and physique…
And even more than that, I want everyone to unlock the body they deserve. Because no person who works so hard should have to feel trapped inside a body they hate…
But here’s something everyone needs to understand before going down this road …
9 of every 10 people who read this page will try to “figure it out” on their own. And—I don’t want to be unkind, but—almost all of them will fail. Because this isn’t a training program that can be mastered with guesswork…
I’ve specifically designed this simple program to cut through the fluff of all the workout advice that’s ever been given and give THE BEST solution to burn fat lightning fast, building LEAN and POWERFUL muscle, and do all of this while revitalizing youth hormones so that everyone can look and feel younger…
Sure, some workouts may help burn fat. Others may help build muscle. Some might even find exercise that’ll give them some measure of hormonal balance. But they’ll be hard-pressed to find one that does all three at one time… And protects their joints while doing so… In only 6-minutes.
They’re truly looking at a one-of-a-kind workout program here…
And the only way to unlock all of these benefits in the same place, is to use the right key… And it can be found in option #3…
Option #3
For Just A Few Bucks Today Unlock The Door To A Brighter Future.

One where men can be fully satisfied with their physique. And experience a fresh surge of youthful energy, impressive new muscle growth and rapid-fire fat loss that has everybody asking what their ‘secret’ is and why they’re so ‘full of life’…
And after telling them they’ve only been working out less than 18-minutes per week, they’ll say they’re “full of it.” But they know the truth…
Finally find a training program that puts MEN first, and fits neatly into every busy schedule. Making getting ripped easier than ever before. Plus notice mid-afternoon brain fog disappear and every physical and mental function of life improves.
Ditch aging cream or any other expensive beauty products to cover up age marks and wrinkles because they’ll possibly turn back time on their face, chin, and neck. And they’ll love the new look so much they may even catch themselves staring at the mirror a little longer than they used to…Not to mention all of the extra attention they’ll get from the opposite sex…
In only a few short weeks start to notice fat falling off the body faster than thought before. Start to see exciting new lines and grooves of muscle definition. And notice a stronger core and better posture walking around with a fresh ‘air of confidence’ about you...

One where men can be fully satisfied with their physique. And experience a fresh surge of youthful energy, impressive new muscle growth and rapid-fire fat loss that has everybody asking what their ‘secret’ is and why they’re so ‘full of life’…
And after telling them they’ve only been working out less than 18-minutes per week, they’ll say they’re “full of it.” But they know the truth…
Finally find a training program that puts MEN first, and fits neatly into every busy schedule. Making getting ripped easier than ever before. Plus notice mid-afternoon brain fog disappear and every physical and mental function of life improves.
Ditch aging cream or any other expensive beauty products to cover up age marks and wrinkles because they’ll possibly turn back time on their face, chin, and neck. And they’ll love the new look so much they may even catch themselves staring at the mirror a little longer than they used to…Not to mention all of the extra attention they’ll get from the opposite sex…
In only a few short weeks start to notice fat falling off the body faster than thought before. Start to see exciting new lines and grooves of muscle definition. And notice a stronger core and better posture walking around with a fresh ‘air of confidence’ about you...
I Know It Might Be Difficult To Imagine Right Now... But Being So Close To Getting A Body That Anyone Can Be Proud Of And Excited To Show Off To The World..
And is more functional than ever before…
If you want this can all be yours today… Don’t settle for less
than what’s deserved any longer…
And is more functional than ever before…
If you want this can all be yours today… Don’t settle for less
than what’s deserved any longer…
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below
To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price of
JUST $20
(Worth Over $560 For Free!!)

Chandler Marchman,

P.S. To rejuvenate the body from the inside out while revving-up powerful fat burning hormones that can subtract years from the face, chin and neck in an unbeatable amount of time, click or tap here to get started. I’ve made this entire METCON 6 Workout Manual simple to follow and slashed the price just for everyone reading this. In it, I’ve given everything needed to transform the body by boosting fat-loss and anti-aging hormones by 21x in only 18-minutes a week. Plus, not have to worry about putting the body at risk by lifting heavy dumbbells or barbells ever again. Don’t wait any longer. Click the “Add To Cart” button above now. If you do I know you’ll be glad you did.
P.P.S. Don’t forget, there is nothing to lose for anyone who takes action and picks up the METCON 6 Workout Manual TODAY. Remember, everyone is backed up and protected by my 60-Day Unconditional 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. Go through the program for the next 60-days and just give 100%. That’s all I ask.

P.S. To rejuvenate the body from the inside out while revving-up powerful fat burning hormones that can subtract years from the face, chin and neck in an unbeatable amount of time, click or tap here to get started. I’ve made this entire METCON 6 Workout Manual simple to follow and slashed the price just for everyone reading this. In it, I’ve given everything needed to transform the body by boosting fat-loss and anti-aging hormones by 21x in only 18-minutes a week. Plus, not have to worry about putting the body at risk by lifting heavy dumbbells or barbells ever again. Don’t wait any longer. Click the “Add To Cart” button above now. If you do I know you’ll be glad you did.
P.P.S. Don’t forget, there is nothing to lose for anyone who takes action and picks up the METCON 6 Workout Manual TODAY. Remember, everyone is backed up and protected by my 60-Day Unconditional 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. Go through the program for the next 60-days and just give 100%. That’s all I ask.
You’ve Got Questions?
I’ve Got Answers!
- Will This Program Really Work For Men And Women At Any Age?
- Can I Mix This Program With Other Training Programs?
- I’ve Had Joint Pain In The Past While Lifting Weights. Is This Program Safe For Me?
- What If I’ve Never Worked Out Before?
- How Long Before I Notice Results?
- Who Is The Metcon 6 NOT For?
- I’m Very Overweight And Feel Stuck. Is This Program Really The Answer?
- Will I Eventually Adapt To This Program?
- How Long Does It Take For Me To Get The Program?
- Is My Credit Card And Personal Information Safe?
- Who Is Clickbank?
- Can I Use PayPal To Checkout?
- Will I Be Billed More Than Once?
- Will This Program Really Work For Men And Women At Any Age?
- Can I Mix This Program With Other Training Programs?
- I’ve Had Joint Pain In The Past While Lifting Weights. Is This Program Safe For Me?
- What If I’ve Never Worked Out Before?
- How Long Before I Notice Results?
- Who Is The Metcon 6 NOT For?
- I’m Very Overweight And Feel Stuck. Is This Program Really The Answer?
- Will I Eventually Adapt To This Program?
- How Long Does It Take For Me To Get The Program?
- Is My Credit Card And Personal Information Safe?
- Who Is Clickbank?
- Can I Use PayPal To Checkout?
- Will I Be Billed More Than Once?